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Beacon Planning

Beacon, New York

BFJ Planning’s involvement in Beacon goes back to 2006, when it led an intensive visioning process, on behalf of the City, to better understand the community’s concerns and priorities as a foundation for preparation of the 2007 Comprehensive Plan. In 2008, the City again retained BFJ to develop a plan and set of strategies to improve linkages among the various travel generators and attractions on the waterfront, Main Street and the train station. In 2013, BFJ conducted a Market and Financial Feasibility Study of the Beacon Correctional Facility site. Most recently, BFJ completed two projects, including a Recreation Fee Study and an update to the City’s 2007 Comprehensive Plan. 

Beacon Visioning Program (2006)

BFJ Planning assisted the City conduct outreach for its comprehensive plan process to understand where the community wanted to go with its future. The six week long project included four workshops, which were documented and summarized in a Visioning Report. The report included a vision statement with a concept map of the City which annotated current land use with ideas for: gateways; a renovated boulevard; pedestrian linkages between major cultural and retail locations, the Hudson River, and the train station; open space acquisitions, development areas; adaptive reuse of old mill buildings; new creek crossings; infill residential development; new zoning; and town parks. The draft vision was incorporated into Beacon’s Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 2007. 

Beacon Transportation Linkages Program (2008) 

BFJ Planning worked with the City to develop a plan and a set of strategies that would improve the linkages between the various travel generators and attractions on the City’s waterfront, the City’s Main Street, and the Beacon train station. The strategies include improvements to the transportation services and infrastructure connecting to the Beacon rail station, to the Dia:Beacon Museum, and the proposed new attractions on the waterfront. Schedule and operational improvements were proposed for the Beacon shuttle bus and the ferry operating between Beacon and Newburgh. In addition to the transportation linkages, BFJ recommended transit oriented developments to fill in the void and overcome the elevation differences between the station and Main Street. 

Beacon Correctional Facility Redevelopment Market and Financial Feasibility Study (2013) 

This study, conducted for Empire State Development (ESD) evaluated viable re-use and redevelopment potential for the Beacon Correctional Facility site, based on physical and market conditions and stakeholder input, to inform a property disposition strategy for New York State and to help the local community assess development opportunities and constraints. A key purpose of this study was to help the local community analyze potential development opportunities and obstacles. The study developed a number of alternatives, with three scenarios chosen for further study. For each scenario, a concept plan was developed and anticipated fiscal and employment impacts were assessed. In addition, each development concept incorporated use of a portion of the site for municipal (City of Beacon) use. 

City of Beacon Recreation Fee Study (2016) 

BFJ developed a recreational needs study which will serve as a guide for the expansion of and/or improvements to existing facilities, as well as for acquisition and/or disposition of parkland. The study involved on-site surveys of the City’s existing facilities and an analysis of census data, population forecasts and other City data to identify gaps in parkland services, facilities and locations. Recommendations addressed identified deficiencies, including areas where the acquisition of land or creation of new facilities would enhance existing recreational sites, create a network of recreational sites, or provide facilities to areas of the City currently underserved. The report provides a basis for recreational fees associated with new development. 

City of Beacon Comprehensive Plan Update (2017) 

The update to the 2007 Comprehensive Plan focused on preserving Beacon’s water¬front, leveraging its train station for TOD opportunities, and better linking the station area to its downtown core. The key approach was to maintain the park-like setting of the riverfront and target development into the City’s Linkage Zone, to connect the train station to Main Street, Beacon’s focus for commercial activity. Streetscape and architectural guidelines established a basic framework for new development at the station. The Plan identified zoning changes to ensure uses are complimentary and that development is appropriately scaled in a way that preserves Hudson River views and complements the City’s historic building pattern. It is anticipated that the recommended zoning changes will be adopted with the Plan in April 2017.


City of Beacon


2006 - 2017

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