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Community Board 7- Riverside South

New York, New York

BFJ Planning was engaged by Manhattan Community Board #7 to advise it, in cooperation with Michael Kwartler and Associates and the Environmental Simulation Center, on the proposal by Extell to develop the southernmost two blocks of Riverside South. Riverside South is a planned development extending along the Hudson River between 72 Street and 59 Street. It includes new streets, an extension of Riverside Park, and 15 parcels most of which have been developed for mixed but primarily residential use. The application from Extell proposed an increase in the density and a change of uses on the remaining three parcels, located between 59 and 61 Streets. The consultant team prepared memos on Urban Design and City Planning Precedents, Open Space Analysis, FAR and Density Analysis, Affordable Housing, Parking, and Circulation. The team also outlined several alternative approaches to the development of the site, suggesting a more complete street system and additional public open space.


Community Board 7



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