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Elmhurst, Queens, Rezoning Environmental Assessment Statement and Uniform Land Use Review Procedure

Elmhurst, Queens, New York City

On behalf of a private development group, BFJ Planning (BFJ) prepared an Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS) for the proposed rezoning of a 5.8-acre parcel in the Elmhurst section of Queens. The rezoning affected the southeastern portion of the Queens Block 1600 in Elmhurst, and rezoned the subject parcel from a M1-1 zoning district to a R7-B district with a C2-3 commercial overlay mapped to a depth of 100 feet along Corona Avenue between 94th Street and 91st Place. The proposed rezoning was intended to facilitate the conversion of a manufacturing building located at 45-10 94th Street to a mixed-use residential and commercial development; however, during the environmental review process the New York School Construction Authority secured a 99-year ground lease on the property and the warehouse was repurposed as a new public high school. As a result, the applicant submitted a new proposal to redevelop a 58,313 square foot parcel located at the western end of the rezoning area with a mixed use development consisting of two buildings and containing approximately 112 dwelling units; 6,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space; and approximately 75 accessory parking spaces. 

The City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) EAS included an in-depth analysis of the reasonable worst case development scenario (RWCDS) based on the maximum developable commercial and residential square footage on each lot while minimizing the number of parking spaces required on each site. Extensive studies were conducted on the proposed project’s impact on the area’s socioeconomic conditions, infrastructure, traffic and pedestrian trips, air quality, noise, open space and other environmental factors. Detailed archaeological and hazardous materials studies were also conducted. The City Planning Commission adopted a Conditional Negative Declaration on the project in June 2010 and the zoning was adopted in July 2010.


45-10 94th Street, LLC



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