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Mamaroneck Zoning Text and Map Amendments
Generic Environmental Impact Statement

Mamaroneck, New York

In 2012, the Town of Mamaroneck retained BFJ Planning to prepare a State Quality Environmental Review (SEQR) Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS) in connection with proposed amendments to the Town’s Zoning Code and Map. The Town proposed to amend its Business districts to allow for new residential and mixed-use development, in order to promote a mixed-use environment along the Town’s commercial corridors, as well as to expand opportunities for fair and affordable housing. 

The DGEIS consisted of several technical analyses and evaluations of potential impacts resulting from new mixed use development, including traffic, socioeconomic and community facilities and services. A soft site analysis was conducted to determine the estimated number of new residential units that could be created under the proposed amendments to the Business districts and the potential impacts that could result under a resonable worst case scenario. The zoning amendments were adopted by the Town in 2013.




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