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Melville Employment Center Plan

Huntington, New York

BFJ Planning developed an integrated land use, circulation and infrastructure plan for the Melville Employment Center (MEC) in the Town of Huntington. The MEC area of the Town, focused along the Route 110 corridor, is a key commercial concentration in western Suffolk County, and is the Town’s largest source of employment and tax revenue. The MEC is arranged in a traditional suburban, automobile-focused development pattern that is characterized by a clear separation of uses, a lack of pedestrian amenities and limited ground-level activity, all of which contribute to high levels of traffic congestion and other issues affecting quality-of-life. While the MEC experienced massive growth in the 1970’s and 1980’s, in the last few decades, economic development has considerably leveled off. The MEC Plan aims to advance the goals and objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, Horizons 2020 and other planning efforts to support the MEC and help it remain competitive as a major employment hub in the region. The vision of the Plan is to provide for future growth that creates a mixed-use center, improves the streetscape and enhances the quality of life for both residents and employees in Melville. The plan’s recommendations include identifying strategic infill development opportunities, zoning code changes to encourage mixed-uses, urban design strategies, multi-modal transportation improvements; streetscape improvements such as landscaping signage, increasing access to open space, and area-wide sewer and stormwater management strategies to address future growth.


Town of Huntington



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