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South Street Seaport Historic District Rezoning Proposal

New York, New York

On behalf of Manhattan Community Board 1 and in close coordination with the New York City Department of City Planning, BFJ Planning prepared the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) Application and City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS) for the proposed rezoning of a ten-block area in the South Street Seaport Historic District. This unique historic area of Manhattan, located along the East River waterfront and adjacent to the financial office district, is characterized by numerous restored four- and five-story commercial structures, representing several centuries of New York City mercantile history. BFJ proposed rezoning to adjust the underlying C6-4 zoning to C6-2A, a contextual zone, which allows a scale more compatible with the Seaport’s 18th-and 19th-century architectural value and overall character and provides a scale more consistent with the policy of New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission.


Manhattan Community Board 1



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