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Stapleton Senior Houses Environmental Assessment

Staten Island, New York

BFJ Planning (BFJ) was retained by BFC Partners, in conjunction with Community Agency for Senior Citizens, to prepare a federal Environmental Assessment (EA) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for a new low-income residential housing project, consisting of 105 low-income rental senior units, on a 1.07-acre portion of the Stapleton Houses property, located at 210 Broad Street. The project required the disposition of the 1.07-acre parcel to BFC Partners which required both United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) approvals. The project also required authorization to exceed the height and setback requirements in an R5 Residential Zoning District pursuant to New York Zoning Resolution and a Mayoral override of New York City Zoning Resolution parking and groundfloor use requirements. NYCHA was required to provide parking for 42.5% of the units located at the NYCHA Stapleton Housing Complex. In addition, the project required an amendment to the official City Map to eliminate an existing sewer easement as well as Subdivision Plat Approval. The EA was prepared to satisfy both the requirements of the NEPA and the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR). In addition, since the project was located in New York City, the EA used the methodology contained in the City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) Technical Manual to determine project impacts. The EA included detailed analyses of land use impacts, visual resources and shadows, traffic and parking, noise, and construction impacts. The project received a negative declaration from NYCHA in 2007.


BFC Partners



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