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Yonkers Affordable Housing Project

Yonkers, New York

BFJ has a 30-year history of working with the City of Yonkers in providing   professional planning, real estate, and environmental services. One of the significant projects was the evaluation of potential affordable housing sites within the City of Yonkers and a rehabilitation program for cooperative apartments. The affordable housing program included over 900 affordable units as part of a federal desegregation court order. 

BFJ prepared a Federal Generic Environmental Assessment (EA) for the total housing program, followed by the evaluation of individual housing projects and the preparation of site-specific Federal EA’s for those housing developments. The EA addressed a range of issues including socioeconomics, demographics, neighborhood character, natural features, hazardous materials, traffic, utilities, historic and archeological resources, land use, and zoning. All of the required units were successfully completed including four new multi-family developments at the following sites: Cross Street, Grassy Sprain, Hoover Road and Yonkers Avenue.


City of Yonkers


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